Our Lady of Divine Providence family
St.Bernard PARISH campus

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati has launched Beacons of Light, a comprehensive process of pastoral planning, to study every aspect of the archdiocese and parishes to determine how to best array our resources – human, physical and financial – to spread the Gospel far and wide.
St. Bernard Parish is now part of a family of five parishes under one Pastor, along with Assumption,
St. Bartholomew,
St. Clare, and St. Vivian.
These 5 parishes are to come together to form one parish within the next 5 years

a small place where God's love is made BIG!
We are a welcoming Catholic community with a strong commitment to our faith who celebrate the Eucharist in an intimate, spirit-filled setting.
We foster lay participation and leadership and share generously of our time, talent and financial support, focusing on the spiritual and material needs of all.
We work to promote justice in ourselves, our church, our community and our society
based on Gospel values.
Online donations and Parish Raffle Tickets are now an option!
Now you can use your credit or debit card or checking account to make your offerings, donate to the Shappelle Center Fund, or purchase parish raffle tickets and get those points, rebates, or frequent flyer miles!
Use this link to make your Collection Offerings and contributions to specific intentions, like Peggy Battistone or KAIROS. You have the option of a one time donation, or set it for recurring monthly. Please add a note where you want your contribution to go.

Use this link to donate to St. Bernard's St. Vincent de Paul Conference to help those in need in our own neighborhood.

Use this link to donate to the Shappelle Center Fund
Use these links for the monthly Parish Raffle. We will have drawings every every month for $100 and other great prizes such as restaurant gift cards and other items, and sports tickets when they resume. Winning tickets go back in the drum for even MORE chances to win! (After you order, use our 'CONTACT US' link below to let us know what name(s) you want on your tickets if different)

tickets at $20 each

6 tickets for $100

13 tickets for $200